I used to…

I used to…
By Dennis N (Sephallia)

I used to play RPGs
Because they were scripted,
So I would live the life of the hero.

Because they promised
That the actions I performed,
The training that I underwent,
And all my interactions with “people”,
Would make the world a better place.

And eventually
Yes, eventually.


In the ultimate boss battle
Necessary to save the world.

I played RPGs because
I felt a burning desire,
craving if you will,
to be important.

craving to be anyone
other than my,

But little did I know
That I was already important,
More important than I could ever know,
To God almighty.

Little did I know
That He had plans for me,
To join a club and reach others,
Within my own context.

Little did I know
That He had plans for me,
To participate in a project course,
That would allow me to travel to the U.S.

Little did I know
That He had plans for me,
To go across the seas,
To Japan.

Little did I know…
And little do I know now,
Of the plans He has,
For what lies,

Notably, I still play RPGs, but now for entertainment, rather than fulfillment.

I’m not very accustomed to writing free verse poetry, but that’s what I aimed for. It started as just a blog post, but ended up sounding more like a poem in my mind, so I went with it. Please feel free to comment, whether on the contents or on the form. 🙂


Hey all, would just like to share some words of encouragement in the form of a poem.

I wrote this poem approximately a year ago, and it always astounds me to look back at old pieces of writing and see what God was speaking to me at the time.

This universe is a miracle.
That’s the only way I know how to express
This unfathomable wonder that I feel
When out of my window I look

The leaves on trees
I think they all have their own name
If I wanted to count them
I’d have to spend all of my days.

Wouldn’t even be able to do it,
Because winter would be on its way.

Grains in the sand,
Little molecules in the sea
The “ecosystem”
And its sustainability

All of this we are only beginning to understand
How could I not be amazed?
The world is just so grand!

The stars in the sky,
The moon and
The sun
You and I,


We are all

Even from a secular standpoint, isn’t it rather amazing? I mean, the functions of the earth, right? Not even to mention space and the galaxies beyond. There’s so much out there that we are unaware of, yet there is still so much within ourselves that we are not aware of as well. We consider space to be so far “up above” sometimes, and but in doing so overlook all that’s going on down below at the depths of the sea. There’s so much going on, so much interacting, and somehow, it all works out. Personally, I believe that there is a God, who orchestrates all of these interactions in a powerful and beautiful way. What do you believe?

I don’t know why these words come to mind, but they do. Maybe they’ll come in use for me, or a reader.

When you’re down and out,
when you feel like trash,
just waiting for the garbage truck
to collect you from the curb.

Remember, that you are a miracle.
Possibly battered, maybe broken.
But still one of God’s own.

And the garbage man isn’t coming,
that’s not who you’ll see make the turn.

Instead you’ll see The Redeemer.
Coming to take you home.

Miracles and Wonders

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted on my blog! I’ve been plugging through the Old Testament in the Bible, and God has been giving me some interesting thoughts. Rather than just keep them in my mind, I decided it would probably be a really good idea to actually write them down somewhere more permanent.

I was thinking about how I sometimes catch myself saying to myself, “It would be so much easier to believe in God if He could just… I dunno… Do something crazy and miraculous right in front of my eyes.” I hear other people say this sometimes too, sometimes they’re Christian, sometimes they’re not. Essentially, the point is they want something tangible in front of their eyes that shouts out, “So amazing that there’s no way that God was not involved.” And I mean, I’m tempted to point out the existence and sustenance of this earth. All of the little details and complications that are required for this earth to just remain in orbit, have an atmosphere, and have a bearable temperature seem so delicate and intricate, that I don’t believe there’s any way that God’s hand is not involved. This earth in and of itself is pretty much a “miracle”. I however won’t go onto that topic in this post.

Anyway, going back on track… “It would be so much easier to believe in God if he could just… I dunno… Do something crazy and miraculous right in front of my eyes.” I have definitely had that thought before, but now I’m not so sure that a miracle would quite do the trick. Like I said, I’m currently plugging through the Old Testament, and in particular, I’m on Exodus right now, and Moses is leading the people through the desert, out of Egypt. Where I left off, they had just pretty much arrived at the border of the land of Canaan. It was at that point that I noticed something funny. God had done many amazing and miraculous things right in front of their eyes. He had swarmed Egypt with many different plagues and disasters. Many were so supernatural that the Pharaoh’s Magicians could not do the same. God drove the Pharaoh to a point where the Pharaoh was pretty much forced to let the Israelites go. God used plague after plague, should His power. And then, Moses leads the people out of Egypt.

And then, they come to the scene where Moses splits the sea. Before Moses does this, the Israelites again doubt God. Moses goes ahead and splits the sea by following God’s instructions, and then the people walk along the bottom of the sea, with the water halted water on both sides. The Egyptians give pursuit, but are drowned. The Israelites then sing a song of deliverance, praising God and saying that they put their faith in Him. They proceed to the desert, and become hungry. They doubt God again at that moment, and God makes food rain from the sky. Anyway, they get to the border of Canaan. I haven’t quite read what happens yet, but I remember the story from my childhood (I’ll see how accurate it is when I actually read it). They go in and are scared of the Canaanites and don’t want to go in. In the face of fear, they apparently have forgotten all the miracles and signs that God had thrown at them, that God had delivered them, protected them, warmed them, cooled them, and provided for them.

So I really doubt that miracles and signs will produce true faith. It may do it sometimes, but definitely not often. I mean, in parallel, in the New Testament, Jesus performed many miracles, yet the Pharisees still doubted Him. I believe that some Pharisees even proclaimed that Jesus was a devil, or something similar to that. So I definitely don’t think that miracles will necessarily make it easier to believe in God. It certainly did not make it easier for the Israelites to believe in God! I have a feeling that it’s partly because of all of the mishaps in the old Testaments that God inspired Paul to write “For we live by faith and not by sight.”

Anyway, that’s all for now! I hope everyone has an awesome Thanksgiving Weekend!

My viewpoint: Why Faith is Falling in North American Society

Viewpoints: Why Faith is Falling in the US.

The real issue is homosexuality.

Essentially, if you didn’t really read the article, that is what the article states is the reason for the fall of faith in the US. The author claims that there is a divide in the thoughts of the younger generation and the older generation regarding homosexuality. I won’t get into my thoughts on homosexuality as I do not think that homosexuality is the issue. I’ve written about it before, and I’ll reiterate it now, but it is because we’ve forgotten God. We, as Christians have left God out of the picture, and that is why faith is falling in North American Society (not just the US). I write about it in detail here.

The author of the article writes,

But now they say, “I guess I’m no religion” when seven years ago they said “I guess I’m Christian”.

(And then later)

This is why it’s good news that mushy-middle people are saying “I’m no religion” in response to poll questions. Not because anyone’s behaviour has actually changed—I doubt these folks were going to church anyway, even when they called themselves merely “religious” in 2005—but because it means that “no religion” is now the safe neutral thing to say.

I find this absolutely silly. “I guess I’m Christian”, was never supposed to be a safe or neutral thing to say. Being Christian was supposed to be something passionate and radical, not lukewarm. And yet “seven years ago” being Christian was apparently “safe” and “neutral”. I almost feel like using strong language to express my confusion over this. I can not help but find myself asking how did this happen? Regardless, I am going to say that it’s because at one point being “Christian” was the lukewarm option that faith is falling in North America.

As Christians in North America, many (not all) Christians are no-longer relying on the Holy Spirit for their evangelistic message, but rather relying on themselves. If one looks at the radical and transforming message of the bible and thinks, I have to share that to people that don’t understand?” What would the natural response be? If it was myself in that situation, I would honestly think… “Oh Good Lord. If I share this to people, they will think that I am crazy. I have to… tone it down a few notches, make it short and fast so that I do not take too much of their time, and make it appealing to current society.” And this is how the Christian advertisement scheme known as the “Prosperity Gospel” likely began, and this is also where things went horribly horribly wrong. What the evangelist previously mentioned should have thought was, “The Holy Spirit will give me the words that I need to say, and as long as I give Him control, His words will speak into the life (lives) of the people that I am speaking to and will move them toward God. His words will be much more powerful than anything that I could ever come up with.” There is a HUGE difference in those two statements.

People came to Christianity looking for life, and life to the full. Jesus promised that. But what did they find? They found some candy, a free, all expenses paid trip to heaven, and they found the gospel covered in a lot of whipped cream and icing. Some parts of the gospel were so covered in whipped cream and icing in fact, that they were completely blotted out. In particular the parts that come to mind are the areas in the Bible where Jesus speaks about the cost of following Him. They came to find God, but instead they found a cheap marketing scheme. Of course Faith is falling in North American Society. People are purpose, people are asking for life, but instead we’re giving them “an easy way to Heaven.” People are asking for water, people are asking for the Fountain that will not dry, and yet we’re giving them sugar. People are asking for spiritual food, and yet all we can seem to dish out is cake.

Please, rather than giving people sugar, start giving them Jesus. Please, instead of relying on yourself, start relying on the Holy Spirit. And maybe, just maybe, we will be able to see the amazing things that the disciples and the churches were able to see in the book of Acts.

Thank you for reading, God Bless.

What is Heaven?

Last night, I posted a facebook status that is essentially the heart of what this post will be. Today, I felt the need to elaborate on my thoughts. The facebook status post went as follows:

“Do you follow God because you want to get to heaven? Or do you want to get to heaven so you can follow God?”

Essentially, those two questions together for me ask one simple thing. Do you believe that heaven is simply the end destination for Christians? Or is that simply a “checkpoint” in our journey following God. I’m not talking about “physically migrating” or anything to another place afterwards, I’m talking about our spiritual journey. When we get to heaven, is that when we’ve reached the end of our spiritual journey? I think not.

I think that many of us realize this through instinct. We say things like “When I get to heaven, I’m going to ask God so many things” In other words, we realize that even when we get to heaven, our journey to pursue God and to learn more about Him still continues! (Just going to pause here and say that’s beautiful). And yet so many times, I hear Christians talk as if heaven is the final destination, heaven is where it ends. “If you enter a relationship with God, you’ll go to heaven.” and that’s the end of what I hear. I really feel like when we say something like that, we are saying that God is essentially our train ticket to heaven. I don’t think that’s correct. We enter a relationship with God, and we start our spiritual journey. As part of our spiritual journey, God takes us to heaven, and in heaven, we continue to walk with God.

Our spiritual journey can not possibly be complete upon reaching heaven. I believe that it is necessary to reach heaven to complete our spiritual journey. At the moment, we live for about 100 years. Give or take around 20, and then account for the many unfortunate incidents that may or may not happen to decrease that further, or end it abruptly. What I’m trying to say, is that we live for a very short time, and God’s character is so expansive and so amazing that we could not possibly learn all about Him in the time that we have to live. As a result, we need to reach heaven so that we have an eternity to study God’s character and walk alongside God. Because there’s still so many things that we need to learn about God.

I feel less confident about this post after having written it out. The idea makes so much sense in my own mind, but I’m not quite sure I found the right words to express it here. If you have any comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me in some form and we can discuss this further!

Hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend!

The Lone Bird

The lone bird sings
Yet nobody hears
Though it chirps loud and clear
Nobody bothers to lend an ear

The lone bird sings
Its song of peace
Yet its drowned out
By the noise of the streets

The lone bird sings
To encourage those in need
But the tune doesn’t reach
Beneath Emotion’s constant screech

The lone bird sings
Hoping that people would lend an ear
Wishing to share the burden
And divide the fears

The lone bird sings
Wishing that people would hear 
Longing to provide hope
Because all feelings are beautiful,
    Because feelings should be shared. 

Stop Pretending.

Stop Pretending
By: Dennis Nguyen

Stop pretending that you’re okay
Stop pretending that it’s alright to stay
Stop pretending to smile everyday
Stop pretending that you don’t want change

Stop pretending that you’re okay
You hurt everyone more that way
People will worry and lose their way
Your scars will become deeper if you stay

Stop pretending that it’s alright to stay
You’ve been wounded so many times in the past day
Do you think if you stay still,
The wounds will go away?

Stop pretending to smile everyday
That smile cuts sharper than a frown anyway
Cry your tears, let them out
Tell people about your pain, they’ll get you out.

Stop pretending that you don’t want change
Don’t think that you were meant to be in chains
Know that there is freedom to be found
If you stop pretending that you’re bound

Stop pretending that one day someone else will make everything right
Because if everyone did so, it would forever be night.
Fight towards the morning you want to see,
Together with those who love you, who want you to be free.

I think we sometimes forget, but I’m sure that we’ve forgotten.

Long winded title, but I feel that it really captures what I want to talk about today. Do note that “we” may or may not apply to you. Throwing it out there that this is however, probably true for a majority of the North American Christian population. The title of the post is “I think we sometimes forget, but I’m sure that we’ve forgotten.” What have we ‘forgotten‘ as North American Christians? And I feel that the most basic form of the answer is simple. We’ve forgotten about God’s Holy Spirit.

I don’t mean that in the sense that we’ve forgotten The Holy Spirit himself, but rather we’ve forgotten about The Holy Spirit’s power. I’m running into this problem where my entire life, while growing up I was told that, “When you believe in God, all your problems will go away and you’ll have a great life.” When that’s not true at all. Heck, that line even made me suffer because I thought I was following God wrong when bad things happened to me. I grew up listening to something that is called the “prosperity gospel” saying that the Christian life will be easy, everything will be laid out in front of me, and all will be well. This is definitely not true. I’ve gone through a bunch of stuff in my life, and I’m sure you’ve been through a lot in your own. The world was advertising Christianity like any other ad that I saw on T.V. “Buy our product, it’ll make you happy! As an added bonus, you’ll go to Heaven! Best of all, it’s free. But what does Christ say? He says in the bible countless times that we will suffer, that we will be persecuted, and that the world will rejected. What else did He say? He said that in order to follow Him, it will cost us everything we own. I struggled with this a while back, always wondering why there was such a discrepancy.

I didn’t really share my answer when I found it, but I’ll share it now. It’s for the exact reason that I mentioned in my first paragraph. We’ve forgotten the Holy Spirit’s power. I guess we were scared. We were scared that the “full” gospel would be too strong for people. That it would scare them off. So we dumbed it down. We made it sound short, and we made it sound sweet, just like commercials! And we made it free. And yet, many are falling away from the faith, and not many are coming to it. We forgot one important aspect. It is not our power that brings people to Christ, but rather the Holy Spirit’s power. He is the one that will give us words, and He is the one that will move the hearts of those we speak to. In acts, we hear amazing numbers. Someone starts preaching in the public, and thousands are saved. Yes, there’s contextual and cultural differences to the situation back then, but I believe the biggest difference is that they were willing to let God’s Holy Spirit

That was the more important thing that I wanted to talk about, but I feel that we’re making one more big mistake. I believe that we’re underestimating people. We feel that if we give the entirety of the gospel, we’ll scare people away, so we need to “dumb it down” a bit. Make a “PG13” version or something. But I don’t think we need to. People are searching for meaning. There was this story that I heard about someone who had committed suicide (I don’t know if it’s true or not). Her family wasn’t poor, her family was actually quite well off. She had apparently lived a fairly good life. The note she had left behind when she went to kill herself said something along the lines of this, “You gave me everything to live with, but you never gave me anything to live for.” Friends, people are searching for depth and meaning. Why are we giving them anything less? Jesus Christ’s message was life, and life to the full. A difficult life, but a fulfilling life. Yet we speak of a “spoon-fed” life, an easy life. Why? The Good News is Good News. Why are we trying to change it?

Please comment below if something’s unclear or you have any comments/ questions! I’m going to leave this link to this song here.

“That Old Tale” (Told Again) #1: The Prince and the Stairs

The Prince and the Stairs
Dennis Nguyen

This is a tale. A tale that has been told many a time, yet told differently each time, until the tale was so different, that it had completely changed. The title changed, the characters swapped, everything was different from the original plot. I am a firsthand witness of this tale, and the true story I shall tell. My part in the story however, is better left unknown. I shall give account of the story with the king’s thoughts in mind. I attained his majesty’s account of this story first hand. Any more information regarding my sources however, will reveal too much about myself, and is thus held back.

And so, let the true tale be told.

In a place on earth, not too long ago (I’m still alive to be writing this after all), there was a king. The king was a fair king, a just king. Many attributed the king’s wisdom and fairness to a blessing from God. The king ruled fairly, and the people did not feel oppressed. The king had a beautiful queen. The queen was beautiful in body, mind, and soul. Of course, their daughter, the princess was said to be the most beautiful princess to have been seen in the past few millennia. She was gentle and loving. She loved her parents, and her parents loved her in return. Her parents, being noble and wise as they were wanted to find her a man who would care for her and love her as she deserved. But how could they choose? Words couldn’t be trusted, and masks could be put on. They needed something that would test the man’s true character, they needed something that only few could possibly do. And so, the king and queen thought, and thought, and thought. Until the queen had an idea!

“Dear, why don’t we stack many mattresses on top of a pea. A man who can feel that pea even atop of the many mattresses must have a fine character!” The queen suggested the idea half jokingly. The couple both knew that often it was good to just throw ideas around when stuck on something. The king, who understood his beloved so well, replied in a upbeat and joking manner.

“Nonono. That doesn’t sound fitting to test a man’s character! I heard another kingdom used that one to find a princess. They told me about that one a while back, they called itThe Princess and the Pea! No, we need something more arduous.”

“Arduous? Like climbing stairs?” The queen said jokingly. She laughed slightly at her words, but her husband’s face stayed stern.

“That’s it!” He cried aloud.“Thank you so much!” He spoke the words in haste and kissed his queen quickly. He then dashed out from the room in search of his castle’s master carpenter. He wanted to create a staircase. A staircase that would reach the sky!

And so, days passed, then weeks, and then, a few months from that day, during the hottest period of summer, the staircase was complete. It was a standalone staircase without railings on the side. It was placed in the castle’s courtyard, leaving the climber open and vulnerable to the sun’s blazing hot rays. And it was in that period, in that season, that the king and queen made their announcement.

“Hear ye, hear ye. Whomever wishes to take my beautiful, gentle and fair daughter to be their beloved wife, must climb this staircase with about one thousand three hundred and thirty seven steps.” Instantly among the crowd that had gathered there was much talk. Many wanted to marry the king’s daughter, others wanted their children to marry the king’s daughter. However, the height of the staircase was very daunting. One thousand three hundred and thirty seven steps. Even saying that was becoming quite the mouthful. The king silenced the crowd and continued. “The challenge will be open to brave challengers tomorrow the staircase is very wide. Whoever wants to try may, but start early in the morning, or stumble and fall in the night and fall away. Only he who makes it to the top will marry my daughter!”

And so, with those words, the day continued until night fell. The night continued until the sun rose, and the challengers were on their way. On the first day, there were many challengers. The climb started early in the morning, some came even earlier than sunrise to get a quick start. They of course hoped to make it a good distance before the sun became too hot. The king watched from a window in his castle, waiting for the man who was to be his daughter’s husband to make it to the top. On the first day, he noted something odd. Early in the day, far before any had given up, one man was walking down the stairs. The man however did not look as though he had given up. The man looked strong, proud and confident. The man proceeded away from the stairs with his chest held high. The king thought that it was strange, but disregarded it and continued to watch as people made their way up his long staircase.

Once noon hit, the sun was shining very strongly. The temperature of the entire kingdom had gone up significantly, and many were giving up. Some persisted. Within that group, some others gave up, and the process continued, until it was late at night. Many were making their way down with downcast eyes and disappointed faces. He was sure that many were cursing, saying that the challenge was impossible. The king however, was sure that there would come someone who would climb, all the way to the top.

The next day, the number of people that came was significantly less. Some came earlier, some came later. There were still a lot of people however, and the stairway was crowded. The king kept watch and he saw the man that had left the challenge early the other day. The man looked happy and upbeat in contrast to the many others who looked as if they were in pain. The king kept his eye on that one man more than the others. The man went further than he had last time– much much further. However, once again, the man began walking down the steps far before the others had stopped going. The king could not help but be confused. Regardless, the day once again had come to an end, and no one had reached the top of the staircase.

And this continued, day after day, with less and less people each day. The man who had given up early on the other days came again and again each and every day. Each and every day the man climbed a little higher– a little further. The man however still stopped far before the majority of the participants stopped, but the trend continued, and the man went higher and higher each time. Eventually, the man was able to persist upon the staircase for longer than all of the remaining participants. And eventually, the man was the only remaining participant. Despite that, the man did not move in more haste or become slovenly. The man proceeded at a fair pace, going further and further each day. On days of sun, on days of rain, the man continued to persist anyway. And then, on one particular day, the man made it to the top of the ridiculously long staircase.

The king waited for the man at the bottom of the staircase and brought him into the castle. The next day, there was a wedding. After the ceremony, the king said to the man.

“I feel safe leaving my daughter to you. I am certain that no matter what hardships may come in the way in the future, you will work with my daughter to solve the problem. Progressing a little further, coming a little closer to solving the problem, day by day.”


I titled this “#1” but I don’t really know if I’ll actually have any more. We’ll see. In case you couldn’t tell, this was a “spin off” of “The Princess and the Pea”. Hope you enjoyed it!